Parish Lenten Retreat

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton


March 30th through April 2nd

A special thank you to the team of Sister Joan, Fathers Mike & Nick for an enlightening Lenten Retreat.  We thank all of you who took time out of your busy schedule to attend one, several, or all of the sessions.  And to all of our very dedicated volunteers who served in any capacity, whether it be serving refreshments, dinner, posting signs, providing music at the sessions, or even if you brought a friend to listen to the Word — WE THANK YOU, TOO!!!  

Retreat team pic

Meet the Team:  Lenten Retreat 2nd mailing

Our sessions included a talk from one of the team member of a different subject each session, followed by a short break, and then concluded with a question/answer session that was very informative.  Wednesday evening a Mass of Anointing was held — all who were in need of blessing for any ailment were blessed with the sacrament.  This was followed by a farewell reception.  Anyone who attended will agree, this was a very special Lenten Retreat, drawing us closer to the Lord.




“Gracious God, we ask you to allow our hearts to be open and ready for the blessings of our Parish Retreat.  Give our team your guidance so that they may shepherd us well. Give our parish family the wisdom to set this time aside with the highest importance. And give each of us personally the hunger of anticipation.  Send your Holy Spirit upon us.”

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