Liturgical Ministries

Remember if you are unable to serve your appointed time,  please request a sub.  Please try to request your sub early in the week if possible. 


Altar Servers – The role of the server is to assist the priest during the celebration of the Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. Our servers work in pairs at the weekend Masses of their choice approximately once every few weeks.  Servers prepare the sanctuary for the Liturgy, assist in preparation of the gifts during Mass, and insure the sanctuary is in order after the liturgical celebration.

The main commitments are to be faithful to your schedule and to be attentive at Mass.  Training is provided through the Parish.  If you are in Grades 4 and up, and have received your First Holy Communion, you are invited to participate in this very helpful and rewarding ministry.  Contact the office for more information.

Eucharistic Ministers – The purpose of this ministry is to distribute communion at Mass each weekend, each holy day, and on other special occasions.   The ministry is open to all confirmed Catholics in good standing with the Church and requires a commitment to a regular assignment at Mass.  All ministers are to be certified through the Diocese, and training is provided by the Parish.  For more information, contact the Parish Office.


Click here for a copy of the Diocesan Norms for Eucharistic Ministers: NormsCommunionMinistersRevised1109

Greeters /Ushers – The ministers of hospitality, Greeters and Ushers, assist the Parish community at our weekend and special Masses in a variety of ways.  Their job is to make sure those that gather for liturgy feel welcome and comfortable. They also assist the Parish by monitoring the communion procession, taking up our offertory collection and distributing bulletins.  Contact the Parish Office for more information or to sign up.

Lectors – The Lectors proclaim the readings at Parish Liturgies and recite the General Intercessions.  A schedule is set up which rotates lectors on a regular basis at a Mass time of your choice.  Preparation for reading is done independently the week before an assigned Mass.   A workbook (published each year) is supplied by the Parish to assist in the preparation.  Volunteers for this ministry should be able to speak comfortably and with confidence before the assembly.  Contact the Parish Office to sign up.

Liturgical Musicians – Since Vatican II, the role of music ministry now belongs to the congregation. The purpose of the choirs, cantors, and  keyboard accompaniment artists is to help the assembly worship through prayer and song. The commitment of time varies with each ministry.

  • Cantors – Cantors are scheduled to lead assembly singing at Mass of your choice.  Cantors are supplied with all music materials and have cantor meetings to review music.  Cantors are expected to arrive one half hour before Mass to warm up.  Contact the parish office for more information .
  • Resurrection ChoirThe Resurrection Choir sings for all Parish funerals. No special rehearsals are held; just arrive approximately 1/2 hour before each funeral to become familiar with the music. For men and women who are available during the day, this is a very fulfilling way to serve our Parish families in their time of need.


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